5+ years ago seems like a long time my friend. I’d be lying if I told you Stephanie I thought about you every day since then. When I do think of you, a little bit, every blue moon, seems like 5 minutes ago, lots of highs and lows, just like a wild and fun roller coaster. I’ve seen your struggles, your suffering, your hopes and dreams. I’ve seen your good and caring side many times over my dear girl. I always appreciated you when you would think of me and come by for a visit, breaking up the monotony, the desolation. I can almost hear you coming up the steps to the old apartment #416.

When we bumped into each other on the strip in front of Treasure Island last year, it was good seeing you again, in good spirits. How could I ever forget you, and I was just as happy you remembered me. I was sure I would see you again someday another unexpected place, with the same disposition, happy-go-lucky. But little did I know it would be the last time, and I regret not visiting with you longer, hearing about all you been up to, and I telling you about Jes, about W. Texas, and all about all those roads less traveled . . . has it really been that long since that beautiful and windy April day 2017. I’m happy it was outside, with lots of sunlight and fresh air, lots of blue sky just like all those years ago.

Does make me very sad how we lost touch, years-miles, and breaks my heart learning that you’re gone, gone away on a very long trip and won’t be back anytime soon, but nobody can say for sure right. I remember you very well, a flood of memories, a good o’ friend of mine, some tears, many smiles and laughs, and you’ll be missed! I don’t like thinking you’ve gone for good but sleeping, resting, jolted awake returning from a dream, alive and enthusiastic, and ready to go on another endless adventure. I still hear you Stephanie, you coming up those stairs, waking me up from my thoughts, just like all those Summers so long ago, and inviting me to come along.
